This was a beautiful wedding. I have known Cheryl since she was a little girl. I have to admit, between teaching her in Sunday School and in Youth Group, it was a little hard to see her get married. I met Doug about a year and a half ago. They make a great couple.
The day started with rain but cleared out to be gorgeous. They say that rain on your wedding day is good luck. My wife and I have been married 18 ½ years, it snowed on our wedding day, does that count? Everything went great except for the normal few glitches in every wedding, but they’re the memories.
Rush, rush, rush! The bride left the salon so beautiful, rushing to grab a bite before getting into her dress. Every little girl dreams of the day they can put on their own dress to meet their prince. We took a few extra minutes to take some photographs of Cheryl with her Daddy’s picture. Cheryl lost her Father 8 years ago. I still remember her sitting on her Daddy’s knee in church. She carried a locket with a picture of him on his Wedding Day, on her flowers. Even though her brother walked her down the isle, her Daddy was still there.
The ceremony was perfect. I think it took Doug & Cheryl four tries to finally light the Unity Candle. It was a very hot, humid day so the a/c and ceiling fans were both on and it kept blowing out. They took it all in stride and laughed with the crowd.
We had to hurry with family portraits because the storm clouds were gathering. Everyone was so cooperative, so it went well. I kept checking the radar on my cell phone and it was coming fast. Off to a park for some pictures.
There is a beautiful park on the way to the reception hall. There was a lot to work with; gazebo, bridge, ponds, fountains, flowers… The rain never did come.
I pray God’s blessing on their marriage, may they live in His will forever.
Check out their slideshow below.
Doug & Cheryl's SlideShow